Early care for little heroes

Magroc is a workers’ cooperative created in 2003 to meet the needs of children with developmental disorders or at risk of having them, and their families. The centre brings together professionals from a variety of disciplines who specialise in early childhood, and manages the public service at Centre de Desenvolupament Infantil i Atenció Precoç –CDIAP Magroc, in the city of Terrassa. 

It is one of those institutions most people know nothing about, but that provide invaluable support for families with little ones who have come into the world struggling with one of these issues.


In its vocation to serve and care for families, Magroc had updated its facilities. The works led them to redecorate, and the redecorating to a photo session, and the photos made them want to show it all off on a new website.

This is how Magroc came to Xoo Studio. Wanting to modernise their image and explain what they do to a society that isn’t very aware of their services: raising awareness of the importance of early care, their guidance services and help for nurseries and schools in diagnosing children, the importance of family links…loads of things.

Because a child is a treasure, this is surely one of those projects that touches your heart.


The first contact families have with Magroc is when they are going through a disconcerting, anxiety-provoking experience. So, Xoo Studio made a website for Magroc that is pleasant, bright and calming. With clear information so it can be taken on board easily.

Explain it all in a drawing

Magroc takes advantage of the website to share resources with educational professionals and families.

Thinking of the parents, and to help with early detection, they created a table of childhood behaviours that can be indicative of a problem.

Each behaviour is illustrated with a drawing. In this case, illustration is the perfect graphic resource, as the idea of using photos of children was discarded.

Facilitating first contact

Helping. Having a close relationship with families who need it. This is Magroc’s vocation, so the phone number for immediate help and the address for a first visit appear repeatedly on the website.

Every website should reflect the company or institution it represents. In this case, Magroc’s website conveys the sweetness, professionalism, specialisation and commitment of this free public institution that does so much for so many children and their families.


Illustration · Web design and programming · Digital strategy · Creating contents.